dude that was awesome!!!
dude that was awesome!!!
Heya Jetninjin!
it seems to me that you just jump in every band wagon you find
the drawing of the lobster was flawless, it think you should have kept it for the final scene but oh well thats an opinon, keep up the god work
i loved it
this is in my opinion the best movie you have put on newgrounds so far, and that is saying quite a lot.
its ok
its has cool style in it, i think its ok but not really great, in my opinion this movie is awfully overrated... but oh well so are 50% of the movies in the top 50.
Wow that was ghey
gret job guys, a nice collection of very good movies, im kicking myself for not having made something for this oh well, my favorite part was isonfire and then luminous_nerd, but all of them were really good
great as always, simple but original and very well put together
that was just beautiful, a master piece of art, i cant wait for part 2
i liked this one better, even though the graphics are less impressive than in team A´s movie, i like how you have more originality and creativity in the stories it seems to me also that the movies in this collection fit better the song than those in the other one. i didnt like much the song though but thats another story
Joined on 2/2/04